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Корисна інформація

Конкурсний відбір на здобуття стипендій для навчання

До уваги студентів!

Трансільванський університет у м. Брашов (Румунія)
оголосив конкурсний відбір
на здобуття стипендій для навчання.

Інформація у додатку та на сторінці: https://tas.unitbv.ro/



Transilvania Academica Scholarship is designed as a competition for international students from non EU or non EEA countries.


- To attract international students to study at Transilvania University

- To form a group of “Ambassadors” of Transilvania University and thereby increase the international visibility of our institution


The applying candidates have to fill in the online application form as described in the Application File section below.


The scholarship is awarded for the full attendance of bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree studies to candidates accepted for studies at Transilvania University.

The students’ full passing of each academic year is the condition for the scholarship to be granted for the following year of study.


The scholarship covers:

- tuition fees (including admission and graduation fees);

- free accommodation in the university’s dormitories;

- a monthly allowance of 800 lei (approx. 170 USD, including holidays).

The travel expenses and the costs incurred by the visa and residence permit for Romania will be covered by the candidate.


The application file includes the following documents (in .pdf format) to be uploaded in the online application form:

- curriculum vitae, highlighting the candidate’s outstanding achievements;

- motivation letter (maximum one page); 

- three letters of recommendation to support the candidate’s outstanding results.

The submission of all the documents in English is obligatory for the candidates’ admission to the competition. Incomplete files will be rejected. No document can be added to the file after the submission deadline.


An evaluation board whose members are appointed by the Rector of Transilvania University of Brasov will be in charge of the candidates’ selection.

The selection criterion is the quality of the documents submitted in the application file.

Calendar of the selection process:

- 15.02.2019 – 30.04.2019 – Candidates’ registration by filling in the online application form;

- 06.05.2019 – 28.05.2019 – Evaluation of application files;

- 29.05.2019 – 30.05.2019 – Approval of the list of selected candidates (including a pending list);

- 31.05.2019 – Announcing selected candidates via e-mail.


Important notice

Only successful candidates will be contacted by e-mail after the selection process is completed.

The selected candidates for the Transilvania Academica Scholarship will be subject to the Romanian academic studies admission procedure available at: https://www.unitbv.ro/en/prospective-students/admission/admission-information-for-non-eu-citizens.html


This information from website:
